Be a net giver

In the attempt to create the karmic balance ethically and fairly, the creator has his own format of balance sheet. His balance sheet has the columns of ‘giving‘ and ‘taking‘. The premise of this balance sheet is ‘na kuch le kar aaye the, na kuch le kar jana hai’.

So whatever the quality of life has been, in the final appraisal, the question life asks you is, how much did you give out of what I had provided you and how much your focus was on the selfish accumulation of material wealth which you had to anyways leave when you would exit this game called life. 

In the context of the appraisal done my life or God, the cautionary advice to all is – don’t spoil the divine appraisal in trying to save yourself of this worldly appraisal ! Meaning, do not spoil your karmic balance in the attempt to save your job and getting this yearly appraisal right. In the end, the karmic balance sheet will be used in the divine appraisal, not the appeal – paapi pet ka sawaal hai !

In the balance sheet of life therefore, the better performance to get a good rating will be a bigger quantum of having given than taken. We need to end our life as a net giver. This means not just monetary charity but also helping people for example old people or the handicapped ones or giving away your seat for a needier person, giving a genuine smile as much as genuinely showing happiness to meet colleagues for example at office or clients. The list can be very long but the intention is to add value to the society from what you have and you can. It must be said here that one of the biggest of all giving is forgiveness. It lightens your baggage and adds in the balance sheet as a sure shot super brownie point in the Giving column !  

Instead it is foolish to live in a selfish comfort zone, being greedy, unethical or giving charity in temples but not serving a hungry or a poor man. People mercilessly waste food in parties or even home or throw away birthday cakes like a wasted toy and then cry later when life serves them a bitter fruit. 

The balance sheet of life serves you a good performance when you remember that whatever I have been given by life as material or non material asset(s), it is my humble duty to be of service to the society. I have got everything to serve the society.

At the time of life’s closure (like year end), I have to ensure that I am a ‘net giver’ in the opportunity called life that was given to me !

Sewa Bhav @ the Workplace

As part of the philosophy of a net giver, sewa bhav- the intention to serve, makes us very human. It separates us from an animal life because we as humans have been given a faculty of contemplation, introspection, gratitude, forgiveness and service among many more. Animals do not possess that, we humans do. It’s time we understand that as humans we need to use the faculties to justify the human opportunity being provided to us.

So, whenever we enter our workplace in the morning, we must have an intention of service. We have a particular skill for which the organisation has hired us. We should feel that I will serve all my stakeholders including my clients and vendors with the best intention. Bhagwad Gita says that work with a positive intention to serve and surrender the rest on life. Develop unconditional surrender in work. But sadly, on the contrary, people work with an intention of ‘what’s in for me‘ as a priority.

Nothing wrong with wanting something for yourself. Evolution has made our safety a priority for us. This approach doesn’t mean that you become dependent on the organisation’s choices. But understand where is the hidden treasure for you here.

Remember, every management wants to retain the best in their workforce. If you are good, they will be forced do justice to you so that you remain motivated and you stay. It is difficult to get sincere, productive employees who take initiatives in their work and outperform their expectations these days. What is sad is the narrative that if I become a perfect and a loyal employee I will be used more unfairly for my being nice.

The important caveat in this dilemma is that you must know that you should present yourself and your priorities in black and white which leaves no room for ambiguity. Many times the lack of clarity within the employee is the reason for his downfall, not the leadership or office politics. Usually the normal social tendency is that everyone will want to drive a person who doesn’t drive his life himself or has no goals or direction in his life !

If you present yourself appropriately and work with the best of intention towards a win-win mindset, no one can stop you from getting what you deserve.

Sewa mindset keeps you free and relaxed as long as you are clear in your mind. You feel great about the work you do, produce the best possible quality and never get tired. Most importantly, inspite of ups and downs in a daily routine, you remain unaffected and happy because the intention is to serve, deliver your best and trust life for whatever it serves you on the platter. As long as I have a reasonably good self-worth, I don’t need to worry about what comes next from life. Whatever life gives will be worth it !


Categories: Workplace


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